Admissions to The Aldgate School

Finding the right school for your child is a difficult decision. There are many sources of information available to assist you. You can find out more information about admissions arrangements to maintained schools on the local authority website. 

You can also get in touch with the school at any time if you would like more information. Simply call Claire Bush- our Admissions, Attendance and Welfare Assistant in the school office if you would like to ask any questions  or email   
Ms A Allan: Headteacher Ms Claire Bush: Admissions Officer

Parent Tours

We hold a number of parent tours in the autumn and early spring terms when parents are making applications for school places. Dates for these tours can be found below:

Thursday 17th October - 9.30am

Tuesday 22nd October - 9.30am

Thursday 14th November - 9.30am

Monday 18th November - 2.00pm

Tuesday 26th November - 4.30pm

We are able to offer tours and meetings with prospective parents at other times as well, so if these dates and times don't work for you - just get in touch. We would love to meet you and show you around our wonderful school. 


We hope you will be able to find much of the information you need about our school from our website. We have also posted a couple of videos for you to watch and get a feel for what we are like.
You can download the slides we show at the Open Day here and learn a little more about the school. 
Please note, if your child is in Nursery, they MUST apply for a place in Reception. Children do not automatically transfer from Investigators to Inventors. 

Admission to the Child and Family Centre

Our Children's Centre and School have different admissions policies. It is important you read them carefully because admission to the Children's Centre for a childcare place or Nursery place does not guarantee admission to the school in your child's Reception year. 
Community Place Application Form TAS updated 2023 24.pdf .pdf
Non City Resident - Marketed Place TAS New charges -Sept 23 2024 AutoRecovered.pdf .pdf

School admissions policy for September 2025 and in-year admissions 

Admissions Policy TAS 2025-26.pdf .pdf
TAS supplementary form.doc .doc
Nursery Application Form 2024- 25 TAS.pdf .pdf
Nursery Application Form 2025 - 26TAS.pdf .pdf

Admissions Consultation

Every few years, schools have to look at their admissions policies to ensure that they are still fit for the current needs of the school. They are required to go out to consultation, even if no changes are made. 

This year, we are proposing to make changes to our policy that will take place from September 2026 (not September 2025). Before these changes can be officially put into the new policy, we have to put them to consultation.

The changes we are planning to make are related to criteria numbers 3 and 4:



If you have any comments on the proposed changes, please email: with a subject title of ‘Consultation’ and state your comments in the email body. This process is open until Monday 13th January. All feedback received in time will be taken into consideration before putting the policy into practice.

The full proposed policy can be found here: Proposed Admissions Policy for 2026/27

Nursery Admissions

Children may attend the Nursery class from the beginning of the school year after their 3rd birthday. The application forms for Nursery Admission are out from 1st September each year. The deadline for applications to be made is 15th February, a month later than Reception. We have various places in our Nursery- some City of London places for workers and residents and governors places. You can find out more by downloading the policy below. 

Reception Admissions 

Children may be admitted to primary schools at the beginning of the school year after their fourth birthday. Applications open in September each year and you will need to submit a completed common application form directly to your Local Authority by 15th January.
The process for applying for a primary school place is joined up across all 33 London local authorities. This means that you only use one application form to apply for up to six schools regardless of where the schools are located. 

You can apply online by using the eAdmissions website, which opens for applications in September and is accessible right up until midnight on 15 January. You can also apply in writing by requesting a paper form from the City of London Schools Admissions Service by calling 020 7332 1750.

You may also need to  complete a supplementary information form if you are applying to The Aldgate School. 

In Year Admissions

If you are applying for a place at The Aldgate School during the school year or to join a different year group, you will need to complete an online in year application form. Please follow the link below. Supplementary forms must be completed if you meet Criteria 2, 3 and 4 and returned to the school office.

In Year Admissions Link

Admissions Guide

Our Admission Priority Area

The school is located on the eastern edge of the City of London. We operate an admissions priority area. To find out whether your home is inside the priority download our helpful maps or email



If you have not been offered a school place at The Aldgate School in Reception, you are entitled to appeal against that decision to an Independent Appeal Panel.  There is no right of appeal for places in our Nursery. Please include any evidence or supporting material with your appeal at the time the appeal is lodged.
Appeals Pack .docx .docx
Appeal Timetable 2024.pdf .pdf

We offer information and advice to parents about the secondary school application process. We hold regular meetings in Years 4 to 6 to assist with the transfer process. 

Secondary School