Reading at The Aldgate School


When our children leave us at the end of Year 6,  we expect them to be avid, fluent readers, with a higher than expected level of reading - able to read with expression and meaning. 

They will be discerning readers, who are able to form and express preferences about the texts they have read. 

Years of exposure to our varied literary heritage, including a wide range of genres, text types and authors will ensure they have the base to continue to develop their cultural and critical reading and writing skills. 


We love to read!

As well as loving reading, we love being read to. Our staff have a collection of stories and extracts that they have recorded - these can be found on our Aldgate Explorers page! 


Reading and Phonics


Children visit the school's library weekly, where they have the opportunity to select a book that interests them.


Class Texts

Children’s English units are linked to exciting books. The children produce lively pieces of writing based around different genres and characters.


Class Story

We ask our teachers to read to their class at least three times per week. The class story is slightly more challenging than the class text and is often linked to some learning in the curriculum or has been chosen because it has a particular theme. Studies have shown that reading to children, even if they are independent readers, supports them in developing a greater range of vocabulary, which is important when the children are reading on their own.


Reading in the Early Years and Key Stage 1

Building a love of reading at an early age has a proven impact on a child’s learning, social skills, language development and engagement. It is not confined to reading specific books or even reading every night. The more you read with your child the more they learn from you. Strategies like using pictures to create stories and making up stories on your own will help inspire your child to explore many aspects of reading. The most important thing for children to learn is that reading is fun, it can be a lifelong passion, this skill will help them throughout their lives and that text comes in many different varieties that anyone can access and enjoy. At The Aldgate School, we stress the importance of creating that early love of reading and exposing children to reading in many ways to allow them to find their own excitement and enthusiasm about reading.

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Reading in Key Stage 2

Reciprocal Reading

The focus of every reading session is about generating excitement and love for reading. The children have a Reciprocal Reader session at least three days each week and it lasts for about 30 minutes. During reading sessions, children are taught skills to help them develop a deeper understanding of what is being read. Children take part in class and group discussion. Key skills include: clarifying, predicting, asking questions, inference, making connections and summarising.


Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is a way of bench marking children to ensure that they have an appropriate reading book to support their development. Children take an initial reading test based around their reading comprehension skills. Then children are given their reading level and have the opportunity to take out a second library book that is within their reading level. We encourage the children to bring these books home to read with an adult. After children read their book, they will take a short comprehension quiz based on the book. This process will continue until the end of each term so that children have a chance to read a variety of books. At the end of each term, they will then take another bench marking test to reassess their reading level. At parents evening, teachers will go over the results of these quizzes in more detail. Our aim is to support the children in developing their love of reading by making sure that the books they are reading are appropriately pitched.

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