Key Information

We regularly publish key information on this page including our most important policies, guidance and documents required by the Government. For information about admissions to the school or the Children's Centre please visit our admissions pages.

If you cannot find the information you need, please feel free to contact the school office and the staff team will be happy to help.



 PictureMs Allan: Lead person for safeguarding
It's everyone's responsibility to work together to keep children safe from harm. Please find our safeguarding policy below and all the details you need to get in touch if you have a concern about any matter.
Visitor information leaflet - safeguarding.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding Policy September 2024.pdf .pdf
Safer Recruitment Policy September 2024.pdf .pdf
Whistle Blowing Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Private Fostering for Parents.pdf .pdf
LDBS Recruitment of ex offenders policy May 2019.pdf .pdf

Our school is part of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children's Partnership. More information can be found:

Inspection Reports and evaluation

We were inspected by OFSTED in June 2024 and graded as Outstanding. We were inspected in by SIAMS and graded Excellent. Our Childcare was inspected in 2019 and overall effectiveness was graded good. 
You may find it useful to visit the Ofsted website. You may also find Parent View useful, it gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about our school!
OFSTED Final Inspection Report 2024.pdf .pdf
SIAMSStatutoryInspectionofAnglicanandMethodistSchoolsReport2019.pdf .pdf
ChildcareInspectionReport2019.pdf .pdf


Uniform TAS.pdf .pdf

If you think you may benefit from support with purchasing uniform, please contact the office and we will be able to discuss options with you.

The City of London may also be able to help with the cost of uniform. Applications for support through the City can be made at this link. 

Our uniform supplier is Khalsa Schoolwear on Bethnal Green Road. You can order all items online:


Curriculum Including Teaching and Learning Policies

Teaching and learning policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Homework and Home Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
EYFS Policy.pdf .pdf
Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
RSE Frequently Asked Questions to accompany policy.pdf .pdf
TAS E-safety Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
Visiting Speakers Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy Sept 2024.pdf .pdf

Important Policies

Attendance Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
attendance leaflet.pdf .pdf
City of London Attendance Code of Conduct Policy v3.pdf .pdf
Complaints policy Sept 2024.pdf .pdf
Parent code of conduct Sept 2024.pdf .pdf
Managing serial and unreasonable complaints Sept 2024.pdf .pdf
Separated Parents Policy.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy .pdf .pdf
Freedom of Information Policy.pdf .pdf
All of our policies are available to parents, carers and the public. They are not all listed here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact the school office. 

Early Years

You will find further information about Early Years, including our charging and remissions, on the Admissions page of our website.

EYFS Welcome Pack 2023.pdf .pdf

Privacy Notices

Privacy Notice for Parents / Pupils Privacy Notice for Parents / Pupils Privacy Notice for Parents / Pupils
Privacy Notice for Governors Privacy Notice for Governors Privacy Notice for Governors
Privacy Notice for Job Applicants Privacy Notice for Job Applicants Privacy Notice for Job Applicants
Privacy Notice for Supply Contractors Consultants Privacy Notice for Supply Contractors Consultants Privacy Notice for Supply Contractors Consultants
Privacy Notice for Visitors Privacy Notice for Visitors Privacy Notice for Visitors
Privacy Notice for Trainees Privacy Notice for Trainees Privacy Notice for Trainees
Privacy Notice for Volunteers Privacy Notice for Volunteers Privacy Notice for Volunteers
Data Protection Policy.pdf .pdf

In the 2023-24 academic year, 0 hours were taken off by union officials to carry out union related activity.

In the 2022-23 academic year, 0 hours were taken off by union officials to carry out union related activity.

In the 2020-21 academic year, 0 hours were taken off by union officials to carry out union related activity.

There are no employees at The Aldgate School whose gross salary exceeds £100,000. 


Health Safety and Welfare

We follow Public Health England advice on infections and diseases. This gives you a helpful outline of how many days it might be advisable to keep your child away from school if they have an infection. 
Intimate Care Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Health Safety and Welfare policy .pdf .pdf
Guidance on Infection Control in Schools.pdf .pdf

If your child is unwell you must contact the school office on the morning of their first day of absence. We will keep in touch with you after this initial contact. We can administer prescribed and non-prescribed medicine in school. 

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Mr Watkins (Deputy Head) supported by Ms Allan (Headteacher).  Please contact the office to get in touch. 
SEND Policy TAS 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report September 2024.pdf .pdf
accessibility plan 2022.pdf .pdf
SEND local offer Sept 2024.pdf .pdf
Mental Health and Wellbeing policy pupils Spring 2024.pdf .pdf

Attainment and Progress

End of Key Stage 2 results 2024.pdf .pdf
End of Key Stage 2 results 2023.pdf .pdf
End of Key Stage 2 Results 2019.pdf .pdf
End of Key Stage 2 Results 2018.pdf .pdf
SATs Results 2017.pdf .pdf

More detailed information about school performance is included on the Compare School Performance website. 

Pupil Premium and Sports Premium

Pupil premium 2021 and beyond autumn 2023.pdf .pdf
sports premium 2023-24.pdf .pdf
sports premium 2022-23.pdf .pdf

Equality and Diversity

How we are complying with our equality duties?
Equalities objectives 2022-26.pdf .pdf
Equalities analysis 2022-26.pdf .pdf

Your Child's Report

We publish information about your child's learning and progress each term and update our guide to understanding your report regularly.

Guidance and Advice

We publish information about our curriculum each term. For a detailed overview of our curriculum in each class, including our arrangements for teaching phonics and reading in Key Stage 1, visit our curriculum pages. 
If you can't find what you are looking for on our website, contact

Other External Sites

All schools are financially benchmarked. The Aldgate School's dedicated financial benchmarking page can be found here.
You can find out more about education in the City of London and the Corporation's involvement in the wider education of young Londoner's here. 

The Department for Education website details statutory and non-statutory information about schools. 

Deanery Partners

We are part of the Tower Hamlets Deanery Partnership. Our vision, as London Diocese Board for Schools in Tower Hamlets and the City, is to educate and support our children to be;
  • Confident
  • Compassionate
  • Creative
We are a diverse group of church schools, serving our local Inner City Community. As a Deanery, we have worked in partnership for a number of years, sharing information and best practise.