Year 1

If you have any questions about the learning in class, please speak with your child's class teacher or contact the office.

Autumn Term 1st Half

Y1 English - The Naughty Bus KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Science - Plants.pdf .pdf
Y1 RE - Why did Jesus tell stories.pdf .pdf
Y1 History - Toys.pdf .pdf
Y1 Computing getting started KO.pdf .pdf

Spring Term 1st Half

Half Termly Overview Spring 2024 Year 1.pdf .pdf
English Beegu KO Y1.pdf .pdf
Science Plants KO Y1.pdf .pdf
RE What responsibility has God given us Y1.pdf .pdf
Science seasons winter KO Y1.pdf .pdf
History Great Fire of London KO Y1.pdf .pdf

Summer Term 1st Half

Year 1 Half Termly Overview Summer 1.pdf .pdf
Y1 English Astro Girl KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Science Seasons KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 science plants KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 RE What does it mean to be a Muslim KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Geography Our local Area KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 PSHE Keeping Safe KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 PSHE Keeping Healthy KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Computing programming a bee-bot KO.pdf .pdf
Book Day lunchtime art club activities

Autumn Term 2nd Half

Y1 English -Whos Who KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 English - Stanleys Stick KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Science - Everyday materials.pdf .pdf
Y1 RE - Why is Each Person Important.pdf .pdf
Y1 Geography - Weather Experts KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Computing - Getting Started.pdf .pdf

Spring Term 2nd Half

Y1 RE Easter KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 PSHE Living in the Wider World KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Computing algorithms unplugged KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 English I Want My Hat Back KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Science animals including humans KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Online safety KO.pdf .pdf

Summer Term 2nd Half

Year 1 Half Termly Overview Summer 2.pdf .pdf
Y1 English Spell by Carol Ann Duffy KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 English Send For a Superhero KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 Science seasons and weather KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 PSHE How do we keep ourselves healthy KO.pdf .pdf
Y1 RE Judaism KO.pptx .pptx
Y1 Geography Understanding the UK KO.pptx .pptx