Year 4

If you have any questions about the learning in class, please speak with your child's class teacher or contact the office.

Autumn Term 1st Half

Y4 English - Tar Beach.pdf .pdf
Y4 Science - Animals including humans.pdf .pdf
Y4 History - Romans unit.pdf .pdf
Y4 PSHE - Families and friendships.pdf .pdf
Y4 Computing collaborative learning KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 French Knowledge Mat.pdf .pdf

Spring Term 1st Half

Spring 1 year 4 overview .pdf .pdf
English Cinnamon KO Y4.pdf .pdf
Science States of Matter KO Y4.pdf .pdf
History Anglo-Saxons and Vikings KO Y4.pdf .pdf
Geography London KO Y4.pdf .pdf
Computing Online safety KO Y4.pdf .pdf
PSHE Respecting ourselves and others Y4.pdf .pdf
PSHE Belonging to a Community Year 4.pdf .pdf
Y4 RE Who is Jesus .pdf .pdf

Summer Term 1st Half

Year 4 half termly overview Summer 1 .pdf .pdf
Y4 English Shakletons Journey KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 Geography Food for Thought KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 PSHE Health and Wellbeing .pdf .pdf
Y4 Computing computational thinking KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 French summer 1 KO.pdf .pdf

Autumn term 2nd Half

Y4 English - Road Not Taken.pdf .pdf
Y4 English - Varjak Paw.pdf .pdf
Y4 Science - sound.pdf .pdf
Y4 Computing further coding with scratch KO.pdf .pdf

Spring Term 2nd Half

Year 4 Spring 2 overview .pdf .pdf
Y4 English fArther KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 Science Living things and their habitats KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 PSHE Money and Work.pdf .pdf
Y4 PSHE Media Literacy and Digital Resilience .pdf .pdf
Y4 history Anglo-Saxons and Vikings KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 Computing website design KO.pdf .pdf

Summer Term 2nd Half

Year 4 Half termly overview summer 2.pdf .pdf
Y4 English The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 Science Electricity KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 Geography Food for Thought KO.pdf .pdf
Y4 PSHE Keeping Safe.pdf .pdf
Y4 Computing investigating weather KO.pdf .pdf