Year 6

If you have any questions about the learning in class, please speak with your child's class teacher or contact the office.

Autumn Term - 1st Half

Year 6 Autumn 1 Overview.pdf .pdf
Y6 English - Grimm Tales.pdf .pdf
Y6 Science - Light.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE - Beatitudes.pdf .pdf
Y6 Geography - mountains earthquakes and volcanoes.pdf .pdf
Y6 Computing Bletchley Park.pdf .pdf
Y6 French Knowledge Mat.pdf .pdf

Spring Term - 1st Half

Y6 Spring 1 overview.pdf .pdf
Y6 Science electricity KO .pdf .pdf
History Early Islamic Civilisations Y6.pdf .pdf
Computing Online safety KO Y6.pdf .pdf
PSHE How can we take care of our mental health Y6.pdf .pdf
PSHE Keeping Safe Y6.pdf .pdf

Autumn Term - 2nd Half

Year 6 Autumn 2 Overview.pdf .pdf
Y6 English - The Raven.pdf .pdf
Y6 English - Macbeth.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE - Hinduism.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE - Christmas and music.pdf .pdf
Y6 Geography - mountains earthquakes and volcanoes.pdf .pdf
Y6 Science - Animals including humans.pdf .pdf

Spring Term - 2nd Half

Y6 English Romeo and Juliet KO.pdf .pdf
Y6 English Biography KO.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE Easter KO.pdf .pdf
Y6 Science Living things and their habitats KO.pdf .pdf
Y6 History Early Islamic Civilisation .pdf .pdf

Summer Term

Year 6 half termly overview summer 1.pdf .pdf
Year 6 half termly overview summer 2 .pdf .pdf
Y6 English In This Place KO.pdf .pdf
Y6 English Arabian Nights KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE Easter KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE Judaism KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE Muslim faith in a diverse world KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 RE Journey of life to death in Christianity KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 Science Evolution and Inheritance KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 History The Blitz KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 Computing Inventing a product KO 1.pdf .pdf
Y6 French summer term KO.pdf .pdf