The governing body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school. They support and challenge the school to achieve the very best they can in every area. Our full governing body meets at least 4 times per year. We also have two committees which meet regularly and ad hoc groups as required. The Curriculum Pupils Affairs and Achievement Committee and the Finance, Staffing and General Purposes Committee.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
TAS Governor Code of Conduct.pdf | |||
Governors Privacy Notice.pdf | |||
TAS FGB Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
TAS Finance Staffing and Resource Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
TAS Curriculum and Pupil Affairs Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
Declarations of Interest -The Aldgate School.pdf |
Mrs Beverley Ryan: Chair of Governors (Deanery Governor)
Beverley was appointed governor in 2018, and has worked in Education management for many years, initially in a primary school and since the early 2000s in Higher Education. She holds a degree in music and a graduate diploma in theology and philosophy, and is delighted that music is an integral part of the curriculum and extra curriculum activities at the school.
As governor, Beverley is a lead for English, has served on working groups and is very happy when administrative processes create time for more creative and interesting activities.
The Revd Laura Jørgensen (Foundation Governor)
Laura Jørgensen has been an ex-officio member of the governing body since her arrival as Rector of St Botolph without Aldgate in 2009, serving as Chair from 2014-2017. As Rector of St Botolph's, Laura is deeply involved with the many layers of the local community - residents, business and civic. As governor, Laura has been involved in the strategic development of the school, but is also keen to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential both in their academic lives and as well-rounded individuals. Laura has two sons at the school.
Ms Alexandra Allan (Executive Headteacher)
Alex has been Headteacher at The Aldgate School since September 2018 and for the 2023-24 academic year is the Executive Head. Alex has previously worked as a Deputy Head of a two form entry school in North West London and an Acting Principal in Hong Kong. Prior to these roles, Alex held subject leader and class teacher roles. She holds a history degree and studied her PGCE at Newcastle University followed by a Postgraduate diploma in Special Educational Needs at the Institute of Education in London. Alex has completed her NPQH and CofEPQH.
Alex has led professional development activities for teachers locally and in Hong Kong. She has an interest in curriculum content and design. Alex is passionate about ensuring we deliver a truly excellent education at The Aldgate School - making the most of our traditions but ensuring children are fully prepared for the next phases of their education.
Mr Jonathan Webb: Vice Chair (Co opted governor)
Jonathan Webb was co-opted to join the Governor’s Board in December 2019.
Jonathan is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and
Wales working in the local vicinity of the school for Hyperion Insurance Group. He contacted the Chair to apply to join the Board when the Board were looking for a finance professional to join the Board as a subject matter expert. Jonathan attended a state school in Hampshire before studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge University.
Robert Moye (The Portal Trust Governor)
Rob was appointed as a governor by the trustees of the Portal Trust in April 2022. He has spent most of the last twenty years living and working in east London. He was Deputy Director of the V&A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green and is currently a trustee of the Ragged School Museum in Mile End, two institutions which have a long history of providing high-quality educational experiences to primary schools. Rob currently works at Four Corners, a centre for film and photography in Roman Road, where he specialises in fundraising.
Awaiting photo
Mohammad Kamrul Hashan (Parent Governor)
Mohammad joined the Governing Board in April 2024 when he was elected onto the Board as a parent governor. Mohammd's daughter joined the School in January 2024. Mohammad is a solicitor with a broad range of experience in human rights law and advocacy. He has a fondness for the development of education for the next generation and for the community to be a safe and enriching place for everyone to live together.
Ms Jacqueline Greenlees (Foundation Governor- The Portal Trust)
Jacqueline Greenlees is a qualified educator and mediator who has strategic management, contract and grant-aid experience. She was appointed as a Governor by the trustees of the Portal Trust in 2017. She is committed to ensuring that every child has access to a first-class inclusive education, to provide them with the opportunity to achieve their potential. Particularly, she is interested in wellbeing, music and languages. As a teacher, she has taught in the primary, secondary and higher education sector as well as being Year Director. As a manager, she worked at the national and international level advising Governing Bodies on Governance, funding and other sport related issues. Currently, she is completing her NPQH whilst working at the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation. She is a trustee of the New Era Foundation. She has an MBA and is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Mrs Farah Lavin (Staff Governor)
Farah Lavin is a qualified and experienced teacher who has been at The Aldgate School for many years. Farah has taught across the Early Years, Key Stage one and Lower Key stage 2.
Farah has a particular interest in children's language acquisition and supports children across the school at varying stages of EAL development as well as those with some speech and language needs. Farah has also supported the emphasis in the curriculum on explicit teaching of vocabulary and is currently supporting the staff with further building the oracy skills and opportunities for our pupils.
Farah has two children who both attended The Aldgate School.
Mr Anwar Akhtar (Foundation Governor - The Portal Trust)
Anwar Akhtar is Founder and Director of The Samosa Media a UK arts and journalism charity, that works to embed diversity in the arts and humanities curriculum in schools, colleges and universities. Produces media that explores cultural and social issues. Anwar produced and presented the film is “Pakistan’s Best Kept Secret – Lahore Museum” and was producer of the play “Dara,” working with Ajoka Theatre Pakistan and National Theatre UK. Dara was the first South Asian history play at the UK’s National Theatre. Anwar also led the Royal Society of Arts’ Pakistan Calling project which produced more than 60 films looking at identity, education, equality, culture, religion, women’s and minority rights in Britain and Pakistan. Anwar was previously project director of the Rich Mix Cultural Foundation, where he led the capital and business development of a new £26 million arts centre in East London.
Mohibur Rahman (Parent Governor)
Mohibur Rahman (Mo) joined the Governors Board in 2022 as a parent Governor. He has 3 children at the school. He has over 10 years experience working the private education sector, during which he completed an MEd in pedagogy and Identify formation. Currently, Mohibur works in central government as a policy professional. He is a local resident and former pupil of the school.
Temi Omooba (LDBS Governor)
John Fletcher (Local Authority Governor)
John Fletcher joined the Governing Board in 2023 having served on the board previously. John is a local resident and Deputy of the Ward of Portsoken.
John works as an elected community representative, looking after the residents and small businesses in his Ward. He is passionate about the school and is keen to ensure that standards remain high and the offer is broad - allowing all children to find an area in which to be successful.
John is disabled and proud to be able to continue his work and support for the school, recognising that "You see things from a different perspective in a wheelchair."
Marianne Fredericks (Foundation Governor - Portal Trust)
Marianne joined the governing board in 2023. She is a Business Consultant and elected Common Councilman and Deputy for the Tower Ward within the City of London. Marianne has considerable experience of being a member of committees and boards, including the Community and Children's Services Committee. Marianne is passionate about the resident community and the education on offer at The Aldgate School. Marianne is a mother of 4 and a grandmother.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 291123 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 130923 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 280623 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 150323 FGB.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 30 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 13 09 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 29 06 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 01 12 2021.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 08 09 2021.pdf | |||
FullGoverningBodyminutes30June2021.docx.pdf | |||
FullGoverningBodyminutes24March2021.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 15 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 07 06 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 16 11 2021.pdf | |||
FinanceGPCommitteeminutes9June2021.docx.pdf | |||
FinanceGPCommitteeminutes17March2021.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Agreed minutes Curriculum Committee 02 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 24 05 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed Minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 26 01 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed Minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 03 11 2021.pdf | |||
CurriculumCommitteeminutes23June2021.docx.pdf | |||
CurriculumCommitteeminutes27January2021.pdf |
The governing body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school. They support and challenge the school to achieve the very best they can in every area. Our full governing body meets at least 4 times per year. We also have two committees which meet regularly and ad hoc groups as required. The Curriculum Pupils Affairs and Achievement Committee and the Finance, Staffing and General Purposes Committee.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
TAS Governor Code of Conduct.pdf | |||
Governors Privacy Notice.pdf | |||
TAS FGB Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
TAS Finance Staffing and Resource Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
TAS Curriculum and Pupil Affairs Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
Declarations of Interest -The Aldgate School.pdf |
Mrs Beverley Ryan: Chair of Governors (Deanery Governor)
Beverley was appointed governor in 2018, and has worked in Education management for many years, initially in a primary school and since the early 2000s in Higher Education. She holds a degree in music and a graduate diploma in theology and philosophy, and is delighted that music is an integral part of the curriculum and extra curriculum activities at the school.
As governor, Beverley is a lead for English, has served on working groups and is very happy when administrative processes create time for more creative and interesting activities.
The Revd Laura Jørgensen (Foundation Governor)
Laura Jørgensen has been an ex-officio member of the governing body since her arrival as Rector of St Botolph without Aldgate in 2009, serving as Chair from 2014-2017. As Rector of St Botolph's, Laura is deeply involved with the many layers of the local community - residents, business and civic. As governor, Laura has been involved in the strategic development of the school, but is also keen to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential both in their academic lives and as well-rounded individuals. Laura has two sons at the school.
Ms Alexandra Allan (Executive Headteacher)
Alex has been Headteacher at The Aldgate School since September 2018 and for the 2023-24 academic year is the Executive Head. Alex has previously worked as a Deputy Head of a two form entry school in North West London and an Acting Principal in Hong Kong. Prior to these roles, Alex held subject leader and class teacher roles. She holds a history degree and studied her PGCE at Newcastle University followed by a Postgraduate diploma in Special Educational Needs at the Institute of Education in London. Alex has completed her NPQH and CofEPQH.
Alex has led professional development activities for teachers locally and in Hong Kong. She has an interest in curriculum content and design. Alex is passionate about ensuring we deliver a truly excellent education at The Aldgate School - making the most of our traditions but ensuring children are fully prepared for the next phases of their education.
Mr Jonathan Webb: Vice Chair (Co opted governor)
Jonathan Webb was co-opted to join the Governor’s Board in December 2019.
Jonathan is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and
Wales working in the local vicinity of the school for Hyperion Insurance Group. He contacted the Chair to apply to join the Board when the Board were looking for a finance professional to join the Board as a subject matter expert. Jonathan attended a state school in Hampshire before studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge University.
Robert Moye (The Portal Trust Governor)
Rob was appointed as a governor by the trustees of the Portal Trust in April 2022. He has spent most of the last twenty years living and working in east London. He was Deputy Director of the V&A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green and is currently a trustee of the Ragged School Museum in Mile End, two institutions which have a long history of providing high-quality educational experiences to primary schools. Rob currently works at Four Corners, a centre for film and photography in Roman Road, where he specialises in fundraising.
Awaiting photo
Mohammad Kamrul Hashan (Parent Governor)
Mohammad joined the Governing Board in April 2024 when he was elected onto the Board as a parent governor. Mohammd's daughter joined the School in January 2024. Mohammad is a solicitor with a broad range of experience in human rights law and advocacy. He has a fondness for the development of education for the next generation and for the community to be a safe and enriching place for everyone to live together.
Ms Jacqueline Greenlees (Foundation Governor- The Portal Trust)
Jacqueline Greenlees is a qualified educator and mediator who has strategic management, contract and grant-aid experience. She was appointed as a Governor by the trustees of the Portal Trust in 2017. She is committed to ensuring that every child has access to a first-class inclusive education, to provide them with the opportunity to achieve their potential. Particularly, she is interested in wellbeing, music and languages. As a teacher, she has taught in the primary, secondary and higher education sector as well as being Year Director. As a manager, she worked at the national and international level advising Governing Bodies on Governance, funding and other sport related issues. Currently, she is completing her NPQH whilst working at the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation. She is a trustee of the New Era Foundation. She has an MBA and is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Mrs Farah Lavin (Staff Governor)
Farah Lavin is a qualified and experienced teacher who has been at The Aldgate School for many years. Farah has taught across the Early Years, Key Stage one and Lower Key stage 2.
Farah has a particular interest in children's language acquisition and supports children across the school at varying stages of EAL development as well as those with some speech and language needs. Farah has also supported the emphasis in the curriculum on explicit teaching of vocabulary and is currently supporting the staff with further building the oracy skills and opportunities for our pupils.
Farah has two children who both attended The Aldgate School.
Mr Anwar Akhtar (Foundation Governor - The Portal Trust)
Anwar Akhtar is Founder and Director of The Samosa Media a UK arts and journalism charity, that works to embed diversity in the arts and humanities curriculum in schools, colleges and universities. Produces media that explores cultural and social issues. Anwar produced and presented the film is “Pakistan’s Best Kept Secret – Lahore Museum” and was producer of the play “Dara,” working with Ajoka Theatre Pakistan and National Theatre UK. Dara was the first South Asian history play at the UK’s National Theatre. Anwar also led the Royal Society of Arts’ Pakistan Calling project which produced more than 60 films looking at identity, education, equality, culture, religion, women’s and minority rights in Britain and Pakistan. Anwar was previously project director of the Rich Mix Cultural Foundation, where he led the capital and business development of a new £26 million arts centre in East London.
Mohibur Rahman (Parent Governor)
Mohibur Rahman (Mo) joined the Governors Board in 2022 as a parent Governor. He has 3 children at the school. He has over 10 years experience working the private education sector, during which he completed an MEd in pedagogy and Identify formation. Currently, Mohibur works in central government as a policy professional. He is a local resident and former pupil of the school.
Temi Omooba (LDBS Governor)
John Fletcher (Local Authority Governor)
John Fletcher joined the Governing Board in 2023 having served on the board previously. John is a local resident and Deputy of the Ward of Portsoken.
John works as an elected community representative, looking after the residents and small businesses in his Ward. He is passionate about the school and is keen to ensure that standards remain high and the offer is broad - allowing all children to find an area in which to be successful.
John is disabled and proud to be able to continue his work and support for the school, recognising that "You see things from a different perspective in a wheelchair."
Marianne Fredericks (Foundation Governor - Portal Trust)
Marianne joined the governing board in 2023. She is a Business Consultant and elected Common Councilman and Deputy for the Tower Ward within the City of London. Marianne has considerable experience of being a member of committees and boards, including the Community and Children's Services Committee. Marianne is passionate about the resident community and the education on offer at The Aldgate School. Marianne is a mother of 4 and a grandmother.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 291123 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 130923 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 280623 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 150323 FGB.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 30 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 13 09 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 29 06 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 01 12 2021.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 08 09 2021.pdf | |||
FullGoverningBodyminutes30June2021.docx.pdf | |||
FullGoverningBodyminutes24March2021.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 15 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 07 06 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 16 11 2021.pdf | |||
FinanceGPCommitteeminutes9June2021.docx.pdf | |||
FinanceGPCommitteeminutes17March2021.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Agreed minutes Curriculum Committee 02 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 24 05 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed Minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 26 01 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed Minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 03 11 2021.pdf | |||
CurriculumCommitteeminutes23June2021.docx.pdf | |||
CurriculumCommitteeminutes27January2021.pdf |
The governing body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school. They support and challenge the school to achieve the very best they can in every area. Our full governing body meets at least 4 times per year. We also have two committees which meet regularly and ad hoc groups as required. The Curriculum Pupils Affairs and Achievement Committee and the Finance, Staffing and General Purposes Committee.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
TAS Governor Code of Conduct.pdf | |||
Governors Privacy Notice.pdf | |||
TAS FGB Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
TAS Finance Staffing and Resource Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
TAS Curriculum and Pupil Affairs Terms of Reference.pdf | |||
Declarations of Interest -The Aldgate School.pdf |
Mrs Beverley Ryan: Chair of Governors (Deanery Governor)
Beverley was appointed governor in 2018, and has worked in Education management for many years, initially in a primary school and since the early 2000s in Higher Education. She holds a degree in music and a graduate diploma in theology and philosophy, and is delighted that music is an integral part of the curriculum and extra curriculum activities at the school.
As governor, Beverley is a lead for English, has served on working groups and is very happy when administrative processes create time for more creative and interesting activities.
The Revd Laura Jørgensen (Foundation Governor)
Laura Jørgensen has been an ex-officio member of the governing body since her arrival as Rector of St Botolph without Aldgate in 2009, serving as Chair from 2014-2017. As Rector of St Botolph's, Laura is deeply involved with the many layers of the local community - residents, business and civic. As governor, Laura has been involved in the strategic development of the school, but is also keen to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential both in their academic lives and as well-rounded individuals. Laura has two sons at the school.
Ms Alexandra Allan (Executive Headteacher)
Alex has been Headteacher at The Aldgate School since September 2018 and for the 2023-24 academic year is the Executive Head. Alex has previously worked as a Deputy Head of a two form entry school in North West London and an Acting Principal in Hong Kong. Prior to these roles, Alex held subject leader and class teacher roles. She holds a history degree and studied her PGCE at Newcastle University followed by a Postgraduate diploma in Special Educational Needs at the Institute of Education in London. Alex has completed her NPQH and CofEPQH.
Alex has led professional development activities for teachers locally and in Hong Kong. She has an interest in curriculum content and design. Alex is passionate about ensuring we deliver a truly excellent education at The Aldgate School - making the most of our traditions but ensuring children are fully prepared for the next phases of their education.
Mr Jonathan Webb: Vice Chair (Co opted governor)
Jonathan Webb was co-opted to join the Governor’s Board in December 2019.
Jonathan is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and
Wales working in the local vicinity of the school for Hyperion Insurance Group. He contacted the Chair to apply to join the Board when the Board were looking for a finance professional to join the Board as a subject matter expert. Jonathan attended a state school in Hampshire before studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge University.
Robert Moye (The Portal Trust Governor)
Rob was appointed as a governor by the trustees of the Portal Trust in April 2022. He has spent most of the last twenty years living and working in east London. He was Deputy Director of the V&A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green and is currently a trustee of the Ragged School Museum in Mile End, two institutions which have a long history of providing high-quality educational experiences to primary schools. Rob currently works at Four Corners, a centre for film and photography in Roman Road, where he specialises in fundraising.
Awaiting photo
Mohammad Kamrul Hashan (Parent Governor)
Mohammad joined the Governing Board in April 2024 when he was elected onto the Board as a parent governor. Mohammd's daughter joined the School in January 2024. Mohammad is a solicitor with a broad range of experience in human rights law and advocacy. He has a fondness for the development of education for the next generation and for the community to be a safe and enriching place for everyone to live together.
Ms Jacqueline Greenlees (Foundation Governor- The Portal Trust)
Jacqueline Greenlees is a qualified educator and mediator who has strategic management, contract and grant-aid experience. She was appointed as a Governor by the trustees of the Portal Trust in 2017. She is committed to ensuring that every child has access to a first-class inclusive education, to provide them with the opportunity to achieve their potential. Particularly, she is interested in wellbeing, music and languages. As a teacher, she has taught in the primary, secondary and higher education sector as well as being Year Director. As a manager, she worked at the national and international level advising Governing Bodies on Governance, funding and other sport related issues. Currently, she is completing her NPQH whilst working at the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation. She is a trustee of the New Era Foundation. She has an MBA and is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Mrs Farah Lavin (Staff Governor)
Farah Lavin is a qualified and experienced teacher who has been at The Aldgate School for many years. Farah has taught across the Early Years, Key Stage one and Lower Key stage 2.
Farah has a particular interest in children's language acquisition and supports children across the school at varying stages of EAL development as well as those with some speech and language needs. Farah has also supported the emphasis in the curriculum on explicit teaching of vocabulary and is currently supporting the staff with further building the oracy skills and opportunities for our pupils.
Farah has two children who both attended The Aldgate School.
Mr Anwar Akhtar (Foundation Governor - The Portal Trust)
Anwar Akhtar is Founder and Director of The Samosa Media a UK arts and journalism charity, that works to embed diversity in the arts and humanities curriculum in schools, colleges and universities. Produces media that explores cultural and social issues. Anwar produced and presented the film is “Pakistan’s Best Kept Secret – Lahore Museum” and was producer of the play “Dara,” working with Ajoka Theatre Pakistan and National Theatre UK. Dara was the first South Asian history play at the UK’s National Theatre. Anwar also led the Royal Society of Arts’ Pakistan Calling project which produced more than 60 films looking at identity, education, equality, culture, religion, women’s and minority rights in Britain and Pakistan. Anwar was previously project director of the Rich Mix Cultural Foundation, where he led the capital and business development of a new £26 million arts centre in East London.
Mohibur Rahman (Parent Governor)
Mohibur Rahman (Mo) joined the Governors Board in 2022 as a parent Governor. He has 3 children at the school. He has over 10 years experience working the private education sector, during which he completed an MEd in pedagogy and Identify formation. Currently, Mohibur works in central government as a policy professional. He is a local resident and former pupil of the school.
Temi Omooba (LDBS Governor)
John Fletcher (Local Authority Governor)
John Fletcher joined the Governing Board in 2023 having served on the board previously. John is a local resident and Deputy of the Ward of Portsoken.
John works as an elected community representative, looking after the residents and small businesses in his Ward. He is passionate about the school and is keen to ensure that standards remain high and the offer is broad - allowing all children to find an area in which to be successful.
John is disabled and proud to be able to continue his work and support for the school, recognising that "You see things from a different perspective in a wheelchair."
Marianne Fredericks (Foundation Governor - Portal Trust)
Marianne joined the governing board in 2023. She is a Business Consultant and elected Common Councilman and Deputy for the Tower Ward within the City of London. Marianne has considerable experience of being a member of committees and boards, including the Community and Children's Services Committee. Marianne is passionate about the resident community and the education on offer at The Aldgate School. Marianne is a mother of 4 and a grandmother.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 291123 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 130923 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 280623 FGB.pdf | |||
TAS Agreed Minutes 150323 FGB.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 30 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 13 09 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 29 06 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 01 12 2021.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGB 08 09 2021.pdf | |||
FullGoverningBodyminutes30June2021.docx.pdf | |||
FullGoverningBodyminutes24March2021.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 15 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 07 06 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School FGP Committee 16 11 2021.pdf | |||
FinanceGPCommitteeminutes9June2021.docx.pdf | |||
FinanceGPCommitteeminutes17March2021.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Agreed minutes Curriculum Committee 02 11 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 24 05 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed Minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 26 01 2022.pdf | |||
Agreed Minutes The Aldgate School Curriculum Committee 03 11 2021.pdf | |||
CurriculumCommitteeminutes23June2021.docx.pdf | |||
CurriculumCommitteeminutes27January2021.pdf |