Year 2

If you have any questions about the learning in class, please speak with your child's class teacher or contact the school office.

Autumn Term 1st Half

Y2 English - Jim and the Beanstalk.pdf .pdf
Y2 RE - Lords Prayer.pdf .pdf
Y2 Science - Plants.pdf .pdf
Y2 History - Signicant individuals.pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE - How to be a good friend.pdf .pdf
Y2 Computing Online safety.pdf .pdf
Y2 Computing What is a computer.pdf .pdf
Y2 French Knowledge mat .pdf .pdf

Spring Term 1st Half

Half termly overview Spring 1 2024 Yr 2 1.pdf .pdf
English Instructions KO Y2.pdf .pdf
English The Journey Home KO Y2 .pdf .pdf
RE Judaism Y2.pdf .pdf
Science plants KO Year 2.pdf .pdf
Science materials KO Year 2.pdf .pdf
History The Thames KO Y2.pdf .pdf
History cover sheet River Thames Y2.pdf .pdf
PSHE Media Literacy and Digital Resilience Yr 2.pdf .pdf
PSHE community unit Yr 2.pdf .pdf

Summer Term 1st Half

Year 2 Half termly overview Summer 1.pdf .pdf
Y2 geography - why is our area special KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 maths KOs.pdf .pdf
Y2 English The Pea and The Princess KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 Computing word processing KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE health and wellbeing.pdf .pdf
Y2 RE Hinduism .pdf .pdf
Y2 Science plants KO.pdf .pdf
Campfire as part of the KABS project

Autumn Term 2nd Half

Y2 English - A Bird...KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 English - The Journey Home.pdf .pdf
Y2 Science - Materials.pdf .pdf
Y2 RE - Christmas .pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE - Safe relationships.pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE - Respecting ourselves .pdf .pdf
Y2 Geography - continents key learning.pdf .pdf
Y2 Computing - Stop Motion.pdf .pdf

Spring Term 2nd Half

Half termly overview Year 2 Spring 2 .pdf .pdf
Y2 English a walk in london KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 maths KOs.pdf .pdf
Y2 RE Easter .pdf .pdf
Y2 Science animals including humans KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE Media Literacy and Digital Resilience .pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE Money and Work.pdf .pdf
Y2 Computing algorithms and debugging KO.pdf .pdf

Summer Term 2nd Half

Year 2 Half termly overview Summer 2.pdf .pdf
Y2 English The Dragon Machine KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 Science living things and their habitats KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 RE Christianity KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 Geography This is Britain why is our area special KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 Geography We Are Britain.pdf .pdf
Y2 Computing programming KO.pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE physical health and mental wellbeing.pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE growing and changing.pdf .pdf
Y2 PSHE Staying safe.pdf .pdf
Year 2 French summer2 KO.pdf .pdf